Nicklas Overgaard Hansen
Education: MSc in Economics and Business Administration (Applied Economics and Finance), Copenhagen Business School
Start in Demant: 2021
Hi, I am Nicklas, a Global Business Graduate at Demant. I have a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and a Master’s degree in Applied Economics and Finance from Copenhagen Business School. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to be able to complete exchange semesters at the Wharton School in the US, as well as at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, while completing my degrees.
I decided to join the Graduate Programme at Demant for several reasons. First, I was attracted by the nature of the programme, offering broad exposure to the business through different rotations, as well as a steep learning curve. Second, it mattered a lot to me that I work for a company that makes a positive impact to the world. Third, I was attracted by Demant’s values and culture, and the interactions I had with people from the company. Finally, the Global Business Graduate Programme offered me the opportunity to do all my rotations within Hearing Care (our retail business), which is undergoing rapid growth, and is an extremely exciting place to start my career.
In my first rotation I am starting up a project within Marketing Excellence, focusing on best practice development and sharing within our markets. A few weeks into the project I am still very much feeling like I am at the deep end of the swimming pool, and I hope and expect a similarly steep learning curve in my next rotations.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding the Graduate Programme or Demant!
Email Nicklas