In May of 2021, Demant signed the pledge to increase diversity in the company.

The Gender Diversity Pledge was developed by a special committee for diversity of the Confederation for Danish Industry (DI) of which Demant is a member.

One of the overall goals of the pledge and committee, is to reach an equal gender distribution at a 40/60 ratio in the population of the Danish private sector, opposed to the 30/70 ratio of women to men that is currently the case.

“This [pledge] will support the equal opportunities that are fundamental to making our company better, more innovative and more competitive”, says Henrik Christiansen, Senior Vice President of Human Resources.

The principles of the pledge also commit the signatories to let the diversity work be data driven, set targets, monitor progress, and support earmarked parental leave for men.

On a global scale, female managers already make up 42% of managers in Demant in the countries for which we have globally aligned data, and 60% of the total Demant population. However, the equal distribution is not a fact in all countries, such as in Denmark where women make up around 30% of managers.

Demant is working actively to change this situation and will integrate the principles of the diversity pledge into Demant’s new global policy and approach.